
We’re a grantmaker for strategic and catalytic initiatives and an advocate for equitable change.

OCAF grants have funded a wide mix of projects.

From renewable energy and energy efficiency development to energy poverty and climate equity initiatives, all based on rigorous selection criteria that call for the greatest impact on carbon emissions and local climate resilience. We carefully evaluate each project’s feasibility, environmental impact, local benefits and community engagement.

Our funding priorities include:

  • Efficient, net-zero buildings
  • Sustainable transportation
  • Liveable, low-carbon, resilient neighbourhoods
  • Connecting climate action and economic prosperity
  • Equitable climate action
Encourage low-carbon initiatives to combine efforts and gain momentum

Identify promising low-carbon solutions in Ottawa and help them scale

Keep community benefits at the centre of the effort to speed up the energy transition and get climate pollution under control

Open Calls for Proposals

Climate Equity Call for Grant Proposals

OCAF is excited to announce our Climate Equity Granting program, developed to further our commitment to equity and Reconciliation in climate action.

Read More

To qualify for funding, projects must:

Align with OCAF’s mission to support climate action that builds strong, resilient, inclusive communities

a city on earth icon

Maximize climate impact by reducing GHGs at scale and/or are likely to lead to tangible initiatives to reduce GHGs relatively quickly.

Building efficiency

Generate Community benefits by increasing quality of life and/or economic benefits for community members.

15-minute neighbourhoods

Historically-marginalized and equity-deserving individuals and communities in Ottawa contribute to development of, and benefit from implementation of low-carbon solutions.

Leverage the resources of others, financial and otherwise

Include credible and viable planning and budgeting

Frequently Asked Questions

Please email us using the form below, and include a profile of your organization and a brief description (150 words max) of your proposed project. We will get back to you to discuss further or invite you to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI).
OCAF does not have specific deadlines for grant applications. We accept EOIs year-round. However, we do sometimes set deadlines for topic-specific calls for proposals.
Qualified recipients include registered charities, Canadian municipalities, and registered academic institutions. We can also fund registered non-profit organizations and for-profit entities if they are working in partnership with a charitable and/or non-profit organization that acts as lead proponent for the project.
Ineligible expenses include:
  • Core operations
  • Fundraising events or campaigns
  • Partisan political or religious activities
  • Individuals
  • Sponsorships
  • Deficit reduction
  • Equipment purchases for administrative purposes
OCAF only rarely funds stand-alone activities in the following categories, although they can be included as part of a larger project:
  • Education campaigns or materials (social media or other)
  • Hard costs for retrofits (this is not an incentive program to purchase mechanical components)
  • Convening events (a summit or conference)
  • Advocacy

Do you have a grant opportunity we should know about?